Pantry Doors with Unique Designs

Pantry doors with glass etching

Want Something Different?

How About a Pantry Doors with Unique Designs?

When remodeling this seaside home, this customer decided to replace some interior doors with decorative etched glass doors.  They decided an aquatic theme would compliment the location of their home by the coastline.  

They were looking for pantry doors with unique designs so an Anhinga and flying pelican was chosen. The other glass interior door was a closet door and the turtle and hogfish was chosen for that room.  

They chose clear glass for these designs. They wanted to put a colored background behind the etched design. The customer says although the cell phone picture does not capture the color or the contrast , it actually looks wonderful in real life.   We know how difficult it is to take pictures of glass!

Pantry doors with unique designs with pelicans

Another Unique Design

Pantry door with unique design

This interior door is at the same home. The glass is clear also with a colored background installed by the homeowner after installation. 

Again it was difficult to get the picture because light was coming in through the windows and casting a shadow.  

Choose any of our unique pantry door designs for your next remodel.  You can choose clear or frosted glass and whatever size door you need. You can put a background behind the door if you are choosing clear or use the frosted glass for a more neutral approach.  Here is our Pantry Doors page for other ideas