Order Form Worksheet

measurements needed to order a door

Exterior Door Worksheets  (Printable & Online Options)

Exterior Doors- Final Measurements Needed (Printable)

Information and Measurements Needed to Order Exterior Doors

So simple it silly! Review the following information needed to order your new exterior door(s).  Explanation of the terms are outlined on pages associated with the Resources tab. 

We can help you or your professional installers will also know the answers to these common measurements.

EXTERIOR - Door ONLINE Worksheet

Interior Door Worksheets  (Printable & Online Options)

Interior Doors - Final Measurements Needed (Printable)

Information and Measurements Needed to Order Interior Doors

Let’s make sure you have the correct measurements and information needed for ordering new interior glass doors. 

Please download and have these simple answers prior to ordering. Really simple and usually a novice can easily answer these questions. 

We can also help you through this process with some information, so don’t worry!

INTERIOR - Door ONLINE Worksheet