Pantry and Interior Doors with Enamelled Glass

Enamelled Background Glass
New! This glass has the highest obscurity level of the frosted glass types. It must have simpler designs to accommodate the necessity to blast away the enamelling on the glass.
This will give more contrast to the design and 100% privacy or obscurity. That is helpful when ensuring obscurity of a body shape or items in close proximity to the glass.
Both the enamelled area and the design area is obscure for total privacy. You can see the obscurity level in the examples in the gallery.
The enamelled glass area has an extra benefit of being less likely to have fingerprints and is easiest to clean.
Look in this gallery to help you visualize this etched glass design method and glass type.
High Privacy Opaque interior door glass.
If you need opaque glass for your interior door with the highest opacity, then this is it. When you have something that will be very close to the glass this is the glass you would want. It is brand new, so I am not surprised if you havn’t seen it before. It still has a smooth surface. Not textured like clear glass such as streamed or microgranite. Those are great for entry doors but the interior doors are not made with those textures. Also those textures will not hide a shape within 8 inches away. Exterior glass inserts with these textures provide suitable privacy since we are not standing or living that close to the glass itself.
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