Transporting and Shipping a Door and Door Frame

Shipping a Door and Door Frames for Double Doors
Shipping a prehung fiberglass doors can be awkward to transport. To make transporting the double doors easier we ship “off the frame” for many reasons. Double doors are very heavy and awkward to manage especially when glass is installed in the door slab. An easy solution for double doors is to have the frame prepared “knockdown”.

Shipping a door knockdown, simply means that the preparation for the prehung door and frame is done, but the frame is not tacked together. 2 screws at each corner join the head jamb to the side rails and the threshold to the side rails. So you would receive or pick up your double entry door as 3 pieces. The glass is installed into each door slab and the frame is wrapped together ready to reassemble.
This process is not necessary for single doors or sidelights. They are prehung as a single unit and are not difficult to transport.
Shipping a Door Yourself or Using a Carrier
Nearby customers pick up prehung doors at our studio usually with a standard passenger truck. It is necessary to have blankets to protect doors since they are not boxed. You are just preventing abrasion on the door or scratching the glass. You also may not want the doors to rub together during transport. The frames easily slide into an available space after the doors are loaded. Bring straps to secure the doors from sliding around in the truck bed.
Shipping a door via carrier is transported exactly the same way. They are blanket wrapped and shipped on the door edge rather than laying flat. We use independent carriers that do this professionally. Shipping rates vary according to distance and weight. Generally it adds anywhere from $150 – $300. It has to be quoted with exact information.
Watch this simple video that illustrates the simplicity of reassembling the double door frame. Of course, single doors and sidelights are shipped prehung with frame attached. Sidelights and single doors are attached to each other during installation. When you or your installer is ready to hang the doors, the simple process of rejoining at the corners should only take a few minutes.
Know what information is needed to order your new door
Everysone seems to ask these familiar questions about prehung and glass doors