Confused about interior glass doors glass choices?
It’s very simple to describe the correct glass choice for your interior glass door. It really depends on the application. Below I have chosen some examples of interior glass doors with either a clear background or a frosted background.
I have also illustrated the terminology used to describe the etched method. It would be either “Positive etch” or “Reverse etch”. Each picture is labeled to reference each method.
Positive Etch vs. Reverse Etch method
This photograph illustrates the comparison between clear glass used for an office door and the reverse etch used for the bathroom. (Stateroom) Since the stateroom does have a bit of clear area, most people would have opted for the full frosted background as you would see in the pantry doors below. Reverse etch will have clear areas. The close up at the top of the page shows this.

Pantry Doors are usually a frosted background
Most people want to hide the contents in the pantry, it’s a bit messy. Frosted glass is available in all the interior glass door size widths and heights. Here are 2 examples of frosted glass with a “positive etch” method.
Interior Glass Doors for the Home Office
Home offices can feel more spacious with clear glass doors. People have chosen designs that reflect their decor and personal interests. This customer has chosen clear glass and palm trees for the 8 ft glass doors. Other people have chosed designs from our other galleries. Some people have chosen designs that are denser at the middle to just divert attention from the office while others want the view into and out of the office .

Double Frosted Glass Interior Doors
This shows the double doors used for a bedroom. The frosted glass background gives you the 100% privacy option needed. The factory frosted side is on the bedroom side and the glass etching is applied to the outer side of the door.
This homeowner also chose to coordinate the pantry door seen above since they were visually close to each other. I designed the double doors to have a circle to join them and the single glass door to have the border all around the outside edge to coordinate the designs.