Remodeling with Barn Doors?
This customer is remodeling their kitchen and asked me to provide the decorative glass for the custom barn doors that her kitchen contractor created.
Wanting a theme with dolphins jumping in the waves was exactly what she was searching for but unable to find until she came across my site. No problem!
Tempered glass is a must for any door so the glass was special ordered. I applied the design to the pantry side, since nothing will ever touch the etched side. If accidents do happen while cooking, she can clean with glass cleaner. But most pantry doors will remain closed and then remain open when someone is inside.

Barn doors for the Pantry
These are popular when remodeling. When a swinging hinged door is not appropriate this can be the perfect answer since they slide against the wall.
Most barn doors I do for customers are interior doors hung on barn door hardware. Usually they are for bathrooms and closets but the kitchen pantry is a perfect application. Those doors are done on either clear or frosted glass depending on the privacy concern. I do provide the door, so just know the door must be wider than the opening and have that much space to retract when walking through.
We offer products, not installation. We can arrange shipping or customers frequently pickup at either of our locations.